16% USA Investors Used, Traded, Invested in Crypto in 2021 finds DC Think Tank Pew Research

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Pew Research Center, a Washington-based think tank, says many young American adults have dabbled in cryptocurrencies.

In a new survey, Pew found that most Americans are familiar with digital assets.

“Overall, 86% of Americans say they have heard at least a little about cryptocurrencies, including 24% who say they have heard a lot about them, according to the survey of U.S. adults, conducted Sept. 13th-19th, 2021.”

Compared to their older counterparts, young Americans are also more likely to say they have used cryptocurrencies.

“Roughly three-in-ten Americans ages 18 to 29 (31%) say they have ever invested in, traded or used a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) compared with smaller shares of adults in older age groups.”

Additionally, the study emphasizes the differences between genders, stating that American men use crypto more than women, especially when comparing young age groups.

“Men are about twice as likely as women to say they ever used a cryptocurrency (22% vs. 10%). These differences are especially pronounced when looking at age and gender together.

About four-in-ten men ages 18 to 29 (43%), for example, say they have ever invested in, traded or used a cryptocurrency, compared with 19% of women in the same age range.”

Overall, 16% of American investors say they have personally used, traded or invested in cryptocurrencies, according to the poll.

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